Tuesday, July 19, 2011

Hard weekend

Well my sister left Sunday after the crushing U.S. loss of the Women's Wold Cup.  After I walked her out to her car and hugged her good bye I came inside and laid on the couch and cried while Jeff held me.  But I felt encouraged Sunday by an amazing church service with worship and a sermon that spoke right to where I am at.  (More reflection on that later.)  The Lord is good to remind me that He is here with me in this.  I also got a much needed phone call of support from a friend who is like-minded about natural childbirth.  Then Jeff and I went for a night swim with Brooke.  Yesterday Brooke and I worked out.  I tried walking and gliding the baby out on the treadmill and ski machine for about 45 minutes.  Then we went and ate spicy food at Lulu's. Unfortunately, today I am still pregnant. 

Jeff's mom and brother are on their way here to visit before Kim flies to Washington to get Jeff's sister Paige.  We have our second NST and a sonogram to check the fluid levels today, so I am praying that everything checks out good so I can continue waiting.  The other day when I was feeling discouraged, I told Jeff that I felt like my body didn't know what it was supposed to do because I hadn't gone into labor yet, he said with out skipping a beat- "No, it knows exactly what to do, it's keeping her in there until she is ready to come out."  What a sweet, supportive husband.  It's a shame that our culture makes women feel like there is something wrong with them if they haven't had their babies by their "due date".  And even though I know this is not true it is still a hard battle to fight, esp. when being placed on a time limit.  I realized that it is not as much about the waiting as it is about the fear, because each day that goes by with out me going into labor is one day closer to the limit of how long they will let me wait before being induced, and I REALLY want to go into labor naturally and have a natural birth.   

Here are some pictures from the weekend with my sister.

Walking the baby out in the sweltering heat Sunday morning.


  1. Hey girl...I know how long each of these days feel!! Just wanted to let you know that I was induced 3 days after my due date because I had almost no fluid left. I had Pitocin to get me started and then they stopped it once my contractions were established. Everything else was natural and intervention-free (and I was able to walk around, use the tub, etc). I'm praying you go into labor naturally (and soon!!), but don't feel like there's a domino effect starting if you are induced. That was my fear, and I'm proof it doesn't have to be that way!! Praying for you, Jeff and little Quinn!

  2. Thinking of you Maria at this time. Just remember that God has his plan and go with it! With Ayla I was two days past my due date and I had to have a c-section (the last thing I ever wanted). In the end it was good that I did because otherwise it would have been a much worse ending. Keep your chin up!

  3. I'm glad you had fun with your sis! I keep checking in on you but don't want to be the one saying, "you're still pregnant?" =) No one is pregnant forever, right? =) We'll be praying for you. Keep us all posted!
    Do you want visitors in the hospital? Let us know if you do and if you want us to smuggle food in for you! Hang in there lady! She'll come out soon!
    Carrie & all
