Friday, June 10, 2011

Braxon Hicks & Nursery Illustraions

Alrighty folks, I am starting to have some discomfort. :(
On Wednesday evening I think I was having Braxon Hicks contractions.  What I read on the internet says they cause no pain or discomfort but THEY DO.  Not pain, per say, but big time discomfort.  I have friends to back me up on this.  It's kinds of like I had a stomach ache plus my back was hurting and I just couldn't find a comfortable position.  This lasted for several hours but I felt better right before going to bed.  We had dinner with friend and I was so distracted because I couldn't find a comfortable position to sit in the booth.  Then I just ended up going home and laying down for a while.  This same thing happened the Monday evening of the week before, while we were at Home Depot.  And both times Baby Smith was moving around like crazy.  So I just kept telling her to stay in there!  I told her she can't come out until July!  :) 

I finally finished the last nursery illustion this week!  Here is Leonardo the Terrible Monster:

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