My grandpa passed away last night. He was 87 years old. My dad called about 2:20 in the morning. He was staying with my grandpa and grandma (the kids have been taking turns helping out with him at home) and he had just helped Gpa lay back down. Moments later my grandma got my dad up and said she thought Gpa was gone. So he left earth at home, in bed, lying next to his sweetheart of 60 years. He is finally at peace and with our King in paradise. Praise be to God. I talked to my sister about 3:20 in the morning and she said that my cousins and aunts and uncle went over to the house and said prayers. What a blessing. I am sad not to have been there for that, but so joyful that my Grandma has most of her loved ones so close by. I am anxious to get back to St. Louis and be with my family. I am so glad that everyone was able to be there at Christmas to say goodbye to Gpa and that he got to meet Quinn and that I got to exchange my "I love you"s with him a few times throughout that week. I will always remember my grandpa's amazing rose garden on the side of the carport and his tomato plants in the backyard. I will remember that he always called me "Re" and his deep scruffy voice. I will remember his big hands and his firm handshake. I will remember his amazing sense of humor and how he was still cracking jokes even in those last days when he was so weak. I will miss him so much.

in the Navy- 1945
Grandpa and me
One of my favorite pictures of my Gpa and Gma
Gpa and me dancing at my wedding- 2007
Gpa meeting Quinn for the first time
Sept. 2011
2 Timothy 4:6-8
For I am already being poured out like a libation, and the time of my departure is at hand.
I have competed well; I have finished the race; I have kept the faith.
From now on the crown of righteousness awaits me, which the Lord, the just judge, will award to me on that day, and not only to me, but to all who have longed for his appearance.