Friday, December 7, 2012

Catching Up. . . 16 months

Here are some things I've been meaning to blog about, before I forget:

You are really into your baby doll lately.  It's so very sweet.  You look for her and say "baby? baby?' when you wake up from naps.  You love to hold her and pat her back, you give her sweet kisses, you even lay her in her "crib" and cover her with a blanket.  You are going to make a very good big sister someday.

If we say something about sleeping or you see of picture of someone/something sleeping, you will lay your head to the side and make pretend snoring sounds. :)

You tell us when you are poopy now by saying "poop-PE! poop-PE!".  I am hoping you will do well with potty training in the Spring since you already know the language and you love to sit on your little pink potty in the downstairs bathroom.

You noticed my tattoo for the first time. :)  You pointed to it and said "Oooooh".

We went with Bree to her sonogram appointment a few weeks ago and found out she is having a BOY!! so you will have a new little boy friend in a few months!  Yay!

You love to say HI! to EVERYONE.  You have been super friendly lately and it's so sweet.  You really brighten people's days.  Especially when we are in the grocery store and people are crabby, you say hi loudly to them and smile and their faces just light up at you.  I especially loved it when you said HI! to the homeless man outside of Walgreen's. 

One of our favorite things to do is go to Costco, we go at least once a week to get this or that.  You love to get samples and the ladies that work there always recognize you and say something about the girl with all the hair.  They also draw a picture for you on the back of the receipt when we leave which is nice. 

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