Monday, February 28, 2011

21 Weeks

I had a great weekend with my sister!  Friday night, Chrissy and I went to the JBF Sale.  It was not as good as I excepted but we still got some cute stuff.  When we got home to show Jeff all of the items we found, we realized that we had bought a total of 17 baby hats!  Whoops.  I guess I had baby hats on the brain. We had no idea that we had bought that many (some came in bags of 3 or 4).  Considering she will be born in July makes it even more ridiculous.  :) 

On Saturday we watched "The Business of Being Born".  I bought it so that I could share the information with any family or friends who are interested in learning about or understanding my choice for wanting a natural childbirth.  Chrissy's bf Vinny was a good sport and watched it with us.  They both really liked it and we had a good discussion about the documentary and what my birth plans are.  Jeff was glad that we watched it again (since the last time we watched it was over a year ago).  It renewed our excitement about giving birth in this way.  I am so glad that I am informed about the options that I have.  I am super excited to give birth!

Childbirth is not a physical function. The drama of the physical manifestations has blinded its observers to the truth-the birth of a child is the ultimate phenomenon of a series of spiritual experiences, from fantasy to fact and from fact to fruition.

-Grantly Dick Read, MD-Childbirth Without Fear

Here are pictures of just a few of the things we got at the sale:

At 21 weeks, I am feeling pretty good.  I am still not feeling her move, but I am hoping to feel her soon.  My next appointment is March 10th so I will ask the midwife about it if I still haven't felt her by then.  She is definitely growing, my belly is proof of that.  Her heartbeat is going strong.  It's crazy how quickly I can forget that I am pregnant.  At home when I am wearing sweatshirts and sweatpants I can't see the belly, then I put on regular clothes and I surprise myself when I look in the mirror.  Sometimes my body feels pretty normal and other times I am surprised at feeling the denseness of baby girl low in my uterus.  It's so hard to describe, but I assume that maybe it has to do with how she is positioned at the time.  My one constant reminder is of course that I have to pee ALL THE TIME.

Sweet baby girl, I can't wait to meet you. I can't wait to hold your little hand in mine.  I can't wait to nourish and protect you.  I can't wait to see you on your daddy's lap, to hear your laugh, to dry your tears.  I promise to love you forever.  I pray that you would know the Lord as your Father and King.  You are His daughter and he has amazing plans for you.  I can't wait to see them unfold. 

Here is my 21 week belly:


  1. AHHHH, I love it!!!! Maria, you are looking so beautiful!!!!! And I loved getting to see you with the baby bump in person. I love all your pics from the last few posts (I'm getting caught up). And your prayer and words to your sweet little girl are BEAUTIFUL. Love you and praying for your journey my dear friend!!! xoxo
