This is a late posting but October 20th you turned 15 months old! We had your doctor appointment the day before. It was not fun. The part with Dr. Moylan was great, but the shots did not go well this time. I had to hold you still as the nurse gave you the shots and you looked at me like you fully blamed me for letting them hurt you, and then afterwards you screamed and cried for a long time and even hid behind the chair not wanting me to come near you. It was the worst. Eventually you wanted me to hold you again but I felt so bad. That day and the next you could hardly stand or walk because your little legs were so sore. :(
On a better note, Dr. Moylan said that you look great and are still in the 3rd-5th percentile for weight at 18lbs, 2oz and the 25th for height at 28 1/4 inches. He also handed me a paper on temper tantrums and told me that at 15 months you were now entering the "terrible twos" and that they would last about 3 years. Fun, fun :p I have seen just a couple tantrums, it's really hard not to laugh. You caught me off guard the first few times, letting your body go limp, falling back onto the floor and screaming. I just stood there thinking, "where in the world did she learn this from?". I guess some things just come naturally. :)
I've said it before and I'll say it again, I LOVE Dr. Moylan. I always feel better after talking with him. I also love how supportive of breastfeeding he is. He said his wife nursed their kids till between 15 and 18 months, and that was back when a lot of women didn't even nurse to begin with. I've been thinking a lot about this trip that Daddy and I want to take in January. We'd be gone for at least 5 days and as if being away from you for 5 days wasn't hard enough, I'll have to wean you by then. I am pretty resistant to this notion of having to wean you before you are ready. I thought maybe by 18 months we'd be ready, but things are still going so well and I don't have any desire to take this wonderful, nutritious, nurturing, soothing, special connection away. You usually just nurse about 3-4 times a day, in the morning, before your nap, and at bed time. You recently starting signing for and saying "nurse" when you want to nurse and it is one of the sweetest things I've ever seen. It breaks my heart thinking of taking this away from you and from us. It puts you back to sleep at night if you wake, it comforts you when you are sad or teething or clingy, it puts you back to sleep for a few hours at 5am every morning. *sigh* I'm not sure what to do.
At 15 months you are able to say lots of words, for example: peek boo, peacock, Josie, Jude, poopy, Grandma (ma-maw), nurse, shoes, ball, please, more, cracker, two, etc.
You like to help me count, I say "one" then you say "two" and I say "three". Sometimes you will say "three" also. You like to pick up my phone and put it to your ear and say "hi Daddy". And since Thanksgiving is coming up I just taught you "gobble, gobble" for turkey. You love to dance to music. You will sing songs with me and do the motions for "Itsy Bitsy Spider", "If Your Happy and You Know It", and "Old McDonald" (you love to say "e-i-e-i").
I love you sooooooo much my sweet girl.
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