Friday, June 1, 2012

10+ months

Quinn!  You are 10+ months old!
You've started saying "Dada"!!  Daddy loves it when you say "Dada" especially when he first gets home from work and you hear him come in the house.  Sometimes I hear you whisper it.  Your face lights up when you see him, it is the sweetest thing.
You love to point, sometimes you wave, you are still super friendly to everyone, and you are getting more active each day.  You would still rather spend your time putting things in your mouth, crawling, and climbing on things rather than playing with your toys.  You still don't eat solids very consistently but are very efficient at nursing.  You started to sleep though the night for the better part of two weeks but now you are waking up 2+ times again.  Another new thing that you LOVE to do is have us pat your mouth to make "Indian noises" (sorry, I know that is not PC but I couldn't think of another way to describe it).  You also give KISSES!!!  If we ask you for a kiss and pucker up you open your mouth and give us a kiss, sometimes you stick out your tongue like a puppy. :)

Here are some pictures of you:

 "Where are those puppies?"

 This is when she was attacking me and stealing my glasses while I was trying to take her pictures.

 trying to escape

 "Thanks for folding these clothes Momma.  I will now throw them on the floor."

 Tutus are fun!!

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