Sunday, January 8, 2012

5+ months

Little girl, you are amazing!  Your daddy and I blown away by how much you change each week.  You are now sitting up mostly on your own (a little wobbly, so we stay right next to you), reaching and grabbing for things, and making new sounds!  We got back from 3 weeks out of town and put you in your swing and you immediately reached up and started grabbing for the animals hanging from the mobile- you hardly even took notice of them before.  You are saying new "words" like "blah, blah, blah" and "ca, ca, ca".  You are starting to laugh a bit more.  Your two bottom teeth are sticking way out so we can actually see them sometimes when you smile.  When we sit you in your high chair seat you reach for your toys on the table and sometimes drop them onto the floor and then reach down towards them.

You. Are. Amazing.

I am so glad to be back in KC after being gone for 3 weeks for the holidays and Grandpa's funeral.  Your sleep schedule is a mess.  At night you are waking up A LOT and I think part of it is teething or perhaps the 6 month growth spurt.  When we get ready for bed we always read a book, which you love, and then I sing you a song.  Lately I've been singing "Good Night My Someone" (from the Music Man).  Sometimes if you are having a hard time sleeping I take you into bed with me and nurse you back to sleep and we cuddle, but I don't get very good sleep that way and I want you to learn to sleep in your own crib, so I will try to put you back in your crib after feeding you. 

Speaking of feed you, I can't believe we get to start solid foods soon!  Your first food will be avocado, it is a baby super food and a perfect one to start with.  I am so excited but we will wait until your 6 month birthday.

Goodnight, my someone,
Goodnight, my love,
Sleep tight, my someone,
Sleep tight, my love,
Our star is shining it's brightest light
For goodnight, my love, for goodnight.
Sweet dreams be yours, dear,
If dreams there be
Sweet dreams to carry you close to me.
I wish they may and I wish they might
Now goodnight, my someone, goodnight
practicing sitting up

working out with Mommy and Aunt Brooke in my pink track suit

See those teeth!?!?!

Daddy's first time with Quinn in the Ergo!  


  1. So sweet! I love those candy-stripe jammies!

  2. Love these pics! I can't wait to see what she thinks of Avocado. I tried it with both of my girls and they both really disliked it!
