Thursday, October 20, 2011

3 months old!

Quinn, today you are 3 months old!  I can't believe you are growing up so fast!  You are such a beautiful little girl.  You've learned so much already and you love to look around and observe the world.  You are getting pretty good at holding your head up, you like to try to stand while I am holding you, you love to kick, kick, kick.  You now grab on to things like our shirts, hair, blankets, etc.  You love to suck on your hands.  Daddy and I love how you make eye contact and smile at us when we talk to you.  Sometimes you just stare at us, so in love, just like we are with you. 

When I nurse you you like to grab my shirt or touch my face or mouth, or just rest your hand against my chest.  I am so proud that we have made it to 3 months with exclusive breastfeeding!  You are doing such a good job now!  I am so glad I can give you "liquid gold" to help you be strong and smart and healthy.  We have worked very hard over these past 3 months to figure it out and I can't imagine not connecting with you in this way.  Those moments are so precious to me.  Everyone was right when they said it would be worth it.  I know there will be bumps on the BF road but I am sure we can get past just about anything now!

You weighed 10 lbs, 4 oz on Monday.  You are have been sleeping 5-6 hours a night and you are so good at going to sleep on your own! 

I love you so much.

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