Last night baby Pat got to go roller skating!
Jeff and I went skating with Brook & Ryan and Lisa & John. It was a lot of fun. Okay, at first it was a little weird. Lots of kids of course. But I said we had a kid with us, so it was okay. Basically whenever they had an "all skate" you had hundreds of little kids bee-lining it to your knees, ready to bowl everyone down. We all agreed we had never seen so many crashes. If you looked on from the sidelines it was quite the scene. Kids crying, scatter about the rink floor in bloody piles, groups singing "Happy Birthday" behind you in the concession stand area ( which didn't have lids or straws for their cups for some reason, maybe they couldn't fit it into the budget). And then of course the 2 or 3 older gentleman who used to be pro-figure skaters doing Triple Salchows in the corner of the rink.
Unfortunately I forgot to bring my camera. So here is a picture that is the closest representation to Jeff and I skating last night. At least this is what it felt like. . . pure bliss as we dodged and weaved around the falling children. It was truly a magical night.
And baby Pat this time next year.
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