Thursday, October 18, 2012

Daddy's in India

Hello Sweet Girl!

Things have been crazy the last couple of weeks, Daddy has been in India for work and you have been learning and growing as always.  Right now we are in Springfield visiting Grandma and Grandpa.  Let's see, here are the things we've done in the last couple of weeks:

The Sunday before Daddy left for his big trip we went to a Cider Fest with Jason, Bree, and your pal Josie.

Then Daddy left for India and we had a whole week to ourselves.  You've been transitioning to one nap so our schedule has been changing and adjusting accordingly.  You get pretty tired on days that you wake up early, especially if we have Corpus group or some other plans in the evening and I can't get you to bed early.  We had a busy week so I didn't get too lonely, although I do miss Daddy.  I think you will be excited to see him again, every time you see a photo of him on the wall you point and say "Daddy, Daddy!!"  Bree and Alicia even came over for a movie night one evening after you and the other babies went to sleep.

Here we are going for a little morning walk with the dogs.  You love to hold the leash.  You will even go and point to the leashes if I ask you if you want to go for a walk.

A brisk trip to the zoo with Stephanie, Caleb, and Abby:

And I have to throw in your bath mohawk picture.  I have almost this exact photo of me in the tub with a mohawk.

Saturday we stayed in town to go to Jude's 1st birthday party!

 mustache party!

 You at Jacob's Well:

Then on Sunday after church we drove to Springfield.  It's been so fun to hangout here.  I love love love where Gma and Gpa live.  They have an awesome trail behind their house that goes through trees and has streams on both side and runs down to a park with lots of flowers and a big lake with ducks and playgrounds.  Yesterday morning I took you in your wagon and we listened to the birds and a train in the distance and you wanted to jump in the stream :)  You are going to love exploring in the water and mud and seeing the animals every time we visit.  Also they have a great sledding hill running down to the trail if we visit sometime when it snows.

 Morning wagon walk on the trail!

You are talking a lot now!  It truly amazes me sometimes.  If you are in the mood to talk you will try to repeat everything I say.  You even repeat phrases like:  "Here you go." and "Peek-a-boo".  This morning we went on a leaf hunt and I was telling you the colors of the leaves we picked up and you kept saying "yellow".  But your favortie words right now (other than "Daddy") are "up" which sounds like "bup" and "apple" which sounds like "bubble".  Grandma also taught you that pigs are "dirty" and Aunt Paige taught you to say "spooky".

**I just want to say what a blessing it has been to have Bree, Alicia, and Stephanie in my life.  I don't know what I'd do without these moms to walk this road with me.  God has truly provided the companionship I need at different times in my life.  And I know that I am that companionship for these dear friends of mine as well.  It's good to have friends that are in the same place as me and understand how it feels to be running on no sleep, be frustrated with figuring out eating, sleeping, discipline, etc., and to share in the joys and excitements of each new, adorable thing our children do.  It's amazing to see these women love on Quinn and to see Quinn developing what I hope will be long time friendships with Jude, Josephine, Caleb, and Abby.  I am so grateful for all the friends in our life that love on her; what a blessing to be in community.  And something I was reminded of at BSF a couple weeks ago, nothing is more fulfilling then work ordained by God.  I get to be a mom.  I get to stay home with Quinn.  I get to care for our house.  Instead of "I have to".  Thank you Jesus for this gift of life and for the work that I was made to do, even on the bad days, even with the things I am still learning how to do and struggle to figure out.  Thank you for my hope filled labor.  I LOVE my job!!

Monday, October 8, 2012

Rough days... and nights.

Things have been rough around here the last couple of weeks.  Daddy left this morning for his two week work trip to India!  And you have not been sleeping well at all.  You have not been taking 2 naps and you have not been sleeping through the night.  I was really hoping you'd keep taking 2 naps until you were closer to 2 years old but it looks like we may be transitioning to 1 nap.  I am not sure what is going on with your night time sleep.  Maybe a combination of teething and a cold brought on by the weather change?  Seems like everyone we know had runny noses and coughs, as do you.  I am super tired and beside myself at what to do for you.  The only thing that gets you back to sleep is nursing, and I've tried so hard not to get back into the habit of nighttime nursing.  The house is a complete disaster because I am so tired and only have one nap time to get things done, and I should be napping.  Anyway, we will get through this.  I'm just praying for nighttime rest for both of us. 

You are also being a very picky eater and it's driving me crazy.  I really want you to eat healthy foods and I've tried making different things that I think you'll like, like sweet potato pancakes and quinoa chili with beans . . . and it's just hit or miss with you eating, depending on the day it seems.  Most of the food just ends up on the floor for the dogs.  It turns out that toddlers are the most wasteful, messy creatures :).  Vegetables are the hardest, so sometimes I just resort to the green smoothies to get some spinach in you.  The only consistent meal is breakfast where you eat your plain Greek yogurt flavored either with berries or pumpkin and pumpkin pie spice.  Yum!  You also love to help me eat my cereal after you finish your yogurt.

Love you sweet girl.

Monday, October 1, 2012

My little toddler!!

Well, I think I've said it before, but you are officially, officially a TODDLER!!  You are toddling all over the place.  About Wednesday last week (which was my 29th birthday) you just started walking all over the place.  Up until last week, crawling was still your preferred method of travel, esp. if you wanted to get somewhere fast.  Now you prefer to show off your walking skills and you are getting pretty fast and stable as well.  Today we spent the afternoon outside in the front yard and you walked all the way down the sidewalk almost to the end of the street.  You only stumbled a few times.  But you did get sidetracked at EVERY driveway and walkway, wanting to go up to every neighbors' door.  :)  You also wandered towards the street a few times but we talked about how cars go in the street and we need to stay on the side walk.  I love, love, LOVE that you are walking now.  I'm hoping it will keep your knees a little cleaner.  You certainly are an adventurous little girl, not afraid of getting messy either.  I love that about you.  :)

Saturday night Jude and Josie came over to play with us.  We did some pumpkin painting in the backyard.  Josie did a great job and Jude chucked his pumpkin on the ground a few times (boys :p) but you were in no mood for painting.  All you wanted to do was eat the paint, and since we were not using the edible paint (wouldn't work on the pumpkins), I could not let you put the paint brush in your mouth.  So you got very mad at me and painting was over.  Oh well, at least we gave it a try :)  Next year I bet you will love it!

Tuesday-Thursday Grandma Kim came to visit and we went to the zoo.  You had fun calling to the monkeys and the gorilla.  You also "roar" now for tigers and lions.  Daddy taught you that one :)  Goooo MU Tigers!  Grandma watched you Wednesday night so Daddy and I could go out to dinner for my birthday.

The other fun thing we have been doing this Fall is having picnics with our friends at Loose Park.  We have to enjoy this beautiful weather before it gets too cold to be outside!

 Our Corpus Group!

And on a sad note, my last softball game was Sunday night :(  It was an awesome season and I had soooo much fun playing!  Gooooo Snakes!