(On our Spring Break trip we did a lot of play. Quinn got to touch and taste the sand, she got to feel and hear the ocean, she got to go swimming in a big pool, etc.)
Simple Shape Sorters:
I used chicken cans and juice can lids.
I used muffin tins and small objects.
Music Play:
I made shakers out of yogurt and baby food containers with rice, beans, pasta, etc. and hot glue the lids on. I also got some tambourines and a maraca from a garage sale. Quinn explores the different sounds the shakers make OR we sing songs while I help Q shake to the beat.
Quinn also LOVES to play the piano! It's so much fun to bang on the keys and hear the different sounds.
Music and Story Time at the Local Library:
I've taken her to the Plaza Library for "Baby Bounce Story Time" a few times. Barnes and Noble also has a story time. This is a great way to get out of the house and get Quinn around some other kids, which she find more interesting than the stories.
Developmental Playgroup:
I've been taking Quinn to a great Developmental Playgroup where a friend of mine works. It's been a lot of fun, again- good to get out of the house and good to get Quinn around other babies her age But this group has been wonderful because we have a different focus each week like music or motor skills. It's a small group so the kids get individual attention from the "teacher" leading with puppets, hello/goodbye songs, etc. Last time we focused on motor skills, so Quinn got to crawl through a tunnel and play in a little ball pit (balls in a baby pool-but you could also do this in a pack-and-play). We've also done different things with the parachute which the babies love.
Cheerio Training:
Ha! I did some fun Cheerio "training" with Quinn and the puppies. It was great for them to play together and good motivation when she was first learning to crawl.
I used food coloring to color water and freeze in ice cube trays, then put them in the bathtub to melt out the colors. Not a big hit with her.
You basically make the room as dark as you can and then play with a flashlight, see if she will follow the light beam on the floor, etc. She was not interested. Maybe she will take more notice when she is older.
Cloth Pull:
I made this but not a big hit yet, I think it will be more interesting when she is a little older.
Nesting and Stacking:
I have these adorable nester/stackers made from recycled milk jugs that Aunt Chrissy bought Q. I give them to her nested and she pulls them apart, then I stack them and she knocks them over. Good for cause and effect. Some day she will be able to nest and stack them herself.
Cause and Effect:
I made this but I don't have a good ball for it yet.
"Edible" paint:
I posted about this earlier.
ZOO and Nature Center:
We went to the KC Zoo again with Quinn's baby friends, Jude and Josephine. We also went to the Nature Center (which is free and right across from the zoo).
Outdoor Play:
It's fun to feel different textures like the grass. And of course we go on LOTS of walks.
Motor Skills:
This is mostly what our play now consists of, learning to move- crawling and standing and exploring all around.