8 months:
You are still not eating much solids but nurse just as much as ever. You do love your Cheerios and now peas as well- you like to feed yourself. On vacation you were able to pull up all by yourself from sitting to a stand using the balcony railings. Yesterday you were scooting forward on the blanket to get to the little seed pods falling from the trees and you wanted to eat them. Your fine motor skills are really good, as you can pick up little seed pods with a pincer grip and get them to your mouth. You notice little things like a fuzz on the blanket and you are very focused on figuring out what things are and being able to touch and grab them. On vacation you started saying "mama" again and A LOT. It melts my heart to hear you say it. You've started to reach for me if you want to be held or to nurse. You get shy when someone new is around but you still let others hold you after the initial greeting. You just smile and burrow into my neck and glance bashfully, smiling and burrowing, when you meet someone new or who you haven't seen in a while. It's the sweetest thing. You still wake up once or twice to eat at night but I am used to it now. You are getting your top two teeth in! One has already broken through. It doesn't seem to bother you too much but it might explain the runny nose you've been having.
I love you, love you, love you my sweet girl.
You loved playing the piano with Great Grandma!
You love your puppy brother Ozark.
You were on the blanket and you shimmied your way into the grass and sat yourself up!
You love to explore and learn.